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Barbarà-Molinero, A., Sancha, C. & Cascón-Pereira, R. (2018). Healthcare vs social sciences students: who identifies the most?. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10(4), 583-594. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Healthcare vs social sciences students: who identifies the most?
Brunet, I. & Santamaría, C. A. (2018). Sistema de género y organizaciones. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, (20), 11-37. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Sistema de género y organizaciones
Moral Martín, D. & Brunet, I. (2018). La imagen del sindicato en el siglo XXI a la luz de su contestación por los Nuevos Movimientos Sindicales. Sociología del Trabajo, (93), 307-326. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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La imagen del sindicato en el siglo XXI a la luz de su contestación por los Nuevos Movimientos Sindicales
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Student interactions in online discussion forums: Their perception on learning with business simulation games
Hernández-Lara, A. B., Serradell-López, E. & Fitó-Bertran, À. (2018). Do business games foster skills? A cross-cultural study from learners' views. Intangible Capital, 14(2), 315-331. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Do business games foster skills? A cross-cultural study from learners' views
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Innovation in the government-run Continuing Vocational Education and Training programme for unemployed in Catalonia (Spain): Challenges and opportunities
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Between vocational education and training centres and companies: study of their relations under the regional innovation system approach
Brunet, I., Das, S. & Santamaría, C.-A. (2018). Innovation in European chemical industry: A focus on large chemical companies. Red Internacional de Investigadores en Competitividad, 8(1), 1179. [More] [Digital version] Innovation in European chemical industry: A focus on large chemical companies


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Learning and inclusivity via Interactive Groups in early childhood education and care in the Hope school, Spain
Villarejo-Carballido, B. (2017). Lenguaje del deseo vinculado a la no violencia en el colectivo adolescente. Análisis de sus interacciones online respecto a las producciones audiovisuales alternativas. Phd Thesis. [More] [Digital version] Lenguaje del deseo vinculado a la no violencia en el colectivo adolescente. Análisis de sus interacciones online respecto a las producciones audiovisuales alternativas
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