The research group Social and Organizational Analysis of the University Rovira i Virgili organizes this event as part of the project "Vocational Training and SMEs: the challenge of innnovation " funded by the program RecerCaixa. We have invited renowned speakers who will bring an approach to Dual Training in Catalonia, will discuss vocational training under the corporate, unions and public administration vision, and end up talking about the challenges and future of Dual Training.
Seminar "Teaching Sociology on the move"
Teaching Research: main publications, research methods and research lines
IV Jornada XCD | Parlem de l’Ajut Oficial al Desenvolupament
Organitzada per Xarxa de Cooperació al Desenvolupament del sud de Catalunya. Amb la participació d'Eleni Papaoikonomou.
20 d’abril a les 18:30h a la Sala de Juntes del Campus Catalunya de la URV.
Current challenges and future prospects in Healthcare Management
The speaker will present his ongoing research (focused on the UK NHS) which explores the nature and impact of healthcare management and likely future scenarios for its development and evolution.
March 14th, 2023, 11-13h.
Sala de Graus, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, URV
Seminar "American University of Culture and Education (AUCE) in Lebanon. Exploring Collaborative Academic Opportunities"
February 22th, 2023, 13-14,30h.
Sala de reunions, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, URV
Seminar "Feminisms: erasures, tensions and posibilities"
May 23, 2022, 11-13h.
Aula Magna, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, URV
Conferencia “#MeToo Universidad”
10 de Marzo de 2022, 13h.
Aula: A04, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, URV
Col·loqui “Transformacions de gènere en un món global”
28 de febrer de 2022, 11-13 h.
Aula Magna, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, URV
“Com comprem? Tecnologia i noves formes de consum”
12 de febrer. Cicle de Diàlegs “Nous reptes per a una societat en transformació” ACS/Palau Macaya
18.30h a la Sala Gran del Palau Macaya
Jornada “Competències Lingüístiques en l’Àmbit Laboral”
Conferència "Fake news i postveritat. Alguns exemples actuals"
Language at Work Conference. Open Call for Participation
Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) June 7-8, 2018
Facultat de Ciències Jurídiques de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Presentación del libro "Formación Profesional e Innovación en Cataluña"
Workshop "Dual Training in Catalonia"
Workshop on Vocational Training systems in Europe
26th February 2016, 9am.
Campus Catalunya, URV
Av. Catalunya, 35 Tarragona
The research group Social and Organizational Analysis of the University Rovira i Virgili organizes this event as part of the project "Vocational Training and SMEs: the challenge of innnovation " funded by the program RecerCaixa. We have invited renowned speakers who will bring an approach to vocational training systems in other european countries, will discuss vocational training under the corporate, unions and public administration vision, and end up talking about the challenges and future of Vocational Training in Catalonia.
Seminar "New research lines in Corporate Social Responsibility"
Monday 14th Desember 2015
Meeting room of the deanery
Faculty of Economy and Business
"New research lines in Corporate Social Responsibility"
Seminar by Prof. Markus Stiglbauer
Seminar "How to measure the progress of the death of a language?"
Tuesday 21 July, 11am.
Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business
"How to measure the progress of the death of a language?"
Seminar by Prof. Roland Terborg.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Seminar "The New Economics of Literacy"
Tuesday 27 January, 11am.
Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business
"The New Economics of Literacy"
Seminar by Prof. Florian Coulmas.
Seminar "Creating and crossing frontiers"
Thursday, July 4, 10 am.
06 Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business
"Creating and cross borders"
Seminar by Prof. Josiah McC Heyman.