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Yang, L., Li, X. & Hernández-Lara, A. B. (2022). Tourism and COVID-19 in China: recovery and resilience strategies of main Chinese tourism cities. International Journal of Tourism Cities, . [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Tourism and COVID-19 in China: recovery and resilience strategies of main Chinese tourism cities
Alarcón, A., Muiños-Villaverde, M.-J., Serrano-Alonso, M.-Á. & Heyman, J. (2022). Language in the process of labour market rationalisation: A sociohistorical approach across twentieth-century Spain. Journal of Sociolinguistics, , 1– 21. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Language in the process of labour market rationalisation: A sociohistorical approach across twentieth-century Spain
Alarcón, A (2022). Chapter 12. The economics of language, in Catalan Sociolinguistics: State of the art and future challenges Edited by Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardona, pages 173–182. John Benjamins Publishing Company. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Chapter 12. The economics of language, in Catalan Sociolinguistics: State of the art and future challenges Edited by Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardona
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COVID-19 staycations and the implications for leisure travel
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Impact of Work-Life Balance on Firm Innovativeness: The Different Strategies Used by Male and Female Bosses
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Six Sigma for workplace safety improvement: improving hazards and unsafe conditions in a metallic packaging manufacturing company
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The contribution of all-women tours to well-being in middle-aged Muslim women
Alarcón, A (2022). Sociology of Language, in Handbook of Pragmatics: 24th Annual Installment, pages 79-98. John Benjamins Publishing Company. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Sociology of Language, in Handbook of Pragmatics: 24th Annual Installment
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Computable general equilibrium models for sustainable development: past and future
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Perceptions of empowerment and motivation as outcomes of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programme for adults
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