Cascón-Pereira, Rosalia

Personal Information

Position: Team Members Cascón-Pereira, Rosalia
Research areas:
  • Uncategorized
Location: Reus

Rosalía is Senior Lecturer of HRM and OB at the University Rovira i Virgili (URV). She holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration from URV, a B.Sc. in Psychology from University of Barcelona, a MBS in HRM from University of Limerick, a Master in Social Cognitive Therapy from University of Barcelona and a PhD in Economics and Business at URV. Her research focuses on social identity in its multiple manifestations: professional, cultural, chronically ill, ethical consumer and expatriates’ identities. She develops her career also as a health psychologist at a public hospital and private clinics. Her articles have been published in journals such as British Journal of Management, Journal of Consumer Culture, Journal of Pain, Arthritis and Care Research, Business Research Quarterly, etc.


El-Amine, N. & Cascón-Pereira, R. (2024). What does expatriate success mean? Developing a comprehensive definition through a systematic literature review. Career Development International, 29(1), 3-79. [More]  [DOI]
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What does expatriate success mean? Developing a comprehensive definition through a systematic literature review
Mara, L. C., Cascón-Pereira, R. & Brunet, I. (2022). Perceptions of empowerment and motivation as outcomes of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programme for adults. Education + Training, . [More]  [DOI]
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Perceptions of empowerment and motivation as outcomes of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programme for adults
Cascón-Pereira, R. (2022). Hospital Professionals as Dual Agents: A Superordinate Identity to Solve Interprofessional Conflicts in Hospitals?; Comment on “Dual Agency in Hospitals: What Strategies Do Managers and Physicians Apply to Reconcile Dilemmas Between Clinical and Economic. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, . [More]  [DOI]
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Hospital Professionals as Dual Agents: A Superordinate Identity to Solve Interprofessional Conflicts in Hospitals?; Comment on “Dual Agency in Hospitals: What Strategies Do Managers and Physicians Apply to Reconcile Dilemmas Between Clinical and Economic
López-Fresno, P. & Cascón-Pereira, R. (2022). What is the Purpose of this Meeting? The hidden meanings of the meeting announcement. Organization Studies, 43(8), 1297–1325. [More]  [DOI]
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What is the Purpose of this Meeting? The hidden meanings of the meeting announcement
Cascón-Pereira, R., Maghsoudi, T. & Hernández-Lara, A. B (2021). "Sustainability-driven HRM: the WHAT, the WHAT FOR and the HOW" on Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice, chapter 21, pages 371–391. Elgar Online. [More]  [DOI]
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"Sustainability-driven HRM: the WHAT, the WHAT FOR and the HOW" on Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice
