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Purchase Intention for Organic Food Products in Mexico: The Mediation of Consumer Desire
Hernández-Lara, A. B., Bustos, J. P. & Alarcón, A. (2021). Social Sustainability on Corporate Boards: The Effects of Female Family Members on R&D. Sustainability, 13(4), 1982. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Social Sustainability on Corporate Boards: The Effects of Female Family Members on R&D
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Memory complaints and cognitive performance in fibromyalgia and chronic pain: The key role of depression
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Exploring the strategic communication of the sharing city project through frame analysis: The case of Barcelona sharing city
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Strategies for Coping with LGBT Discrimination at Work: a Systematic Literature Review
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The Role of Emotion Discourse and Pathic Stigma in the Delegitimization of Consumer Practices
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Climate Change Mitigation: Application of Management Production Philosophies for Energy Saving in Industrial Processes
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Supporting Democracy Through Leadership in Organizations
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